Friday, July 8, 2011

Reasons to Invest Offshore By Hypo Venture Capital Zurich

Reasons to Invest Offshore By Hypo Venture Capital Zurich

What are the benefits available to you from the world of offshore savings, investment, finance and banking?

Here at Hypo Venture Capital Zurich, Switzerland we are committed to offering our clients access to the latest and broadest range of financial services and products on the market. We know that choosing the right strategy, the right investment and the right product is no easy task in this day and age! Whether its advice, investments or financial planning we are here to answer all your questions and facilitate all your financial needs.

Reasons to Invest Offshore By Hypo Venture Capital Zurich

Even in this day and age of enlightenment thanks to the pervasive nature of information dissemination via the internet, some people are still concerned about the legalities and legitimacy of the offshore world of finance and banking. For some reason others simply assume that onshore equates to a 'safe haven' for money and offshore equates to a 'risky tax haven.'

Well, you and I know that that is simply not the case! However, even though it is now clearer to more people that the offshore world holds many potential taxation benefits, there are still questions to be answered about why one should invest offshore and in this article we explore the benefits.

First things first%u2026here's another myth I wish to dispel - some people say that offshore investments and bank accounts are more lightly regulated than their entity-type-counterparts onshore%u2026now, that's not necessarily true!

Yes, certain jurisdictions give fund managers, bankers and investors pretty much free rein so that the rewards and risks are potentially far greater - but some jurisdictions are very highly regarded among financial professionals simply because of the incredibly high standards of protection they afford investors and account holders through insurance schemes and government regulation requirements for example:

The Isle of Man and the Channel Islands are examples of offshore jurisdictions where offshore investment and saving policy or bank account holders are afforded high levels of protection. Just taking the Isle of Man - it offers policyholder protection schemes, it also has the highest financial services rating issued by the OECD, FATF and FSF and it has an independent Financial Services Ombudsman scheme not to mention the fact that both Standard and Poor's and Moody's have given the Isle of Man AAA ratings.

So - myth dispelled, let's move on.

In terms of the benefits available when investing offshore they will always, always depend on the particular circumstances of the individual investor - but offshore financial services and structures can be used as part of an overall asset protection strategy for example, investing offshore can afford an investor greater flexibility in terms of international accessibility and the commodities, equities, derivatives, stocks, shares or companies they can invest in, plus there are of course sometimes significant taxation benefits available to an account holder depending on their countries of tax residence and domicile.

Other answers to the question posed by this article - namely 'why invest offshore?' - are because there are general benefits available including more efficient estate planning potential, privacy and confidentiality, better interest returns, the chance to exploit active business interests overseas in low or no tax locations and global access to assets and income.

So, while the internet has been fantastic in terms of allowing more people to become far more broadly informed - especially about subjects as seemingly taboo as all things offshore - it is still absolutely in a government's interests to avoid advising people that the offshore world is open and available to them because they may well lose out on taxation revenue as a result! This means it is up to independent websites such as World Financial Asset Advisory to give you free access to facts and general information and for you to then see how and why such information is or is not applicable to your own personal circumstances. At which stage you can then take specific and expert advice from a qualified individual as to how you can best utilize the offshore world.

And on that final note there is just one more thing to say! A potential investor (you) has to be absolutely sure that the actions they are about to take in terms of placing assets offshore will be of benefit to them. Additionally they need to make sure that they are acting legally, that a company they are entrusting with their money is legitimate and that they understand the risks associated with their decisions.

To that end we at Hypo Venture Capital will always advise that you should to do your own due diligence on the jurisdiction recommended to you or chosen by you, the company you are considering investing or banking with and the policy or account you are taking out. Common sense is the main key to ensuring you do not make a mistake when entering the world of offshore finance and common sense is something we here at Hypo Venture Capital pride ourselves on!

Hypo Venture Capital Headlines: Bank capital fight spills into U.S. Congress

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(Reuters) – The fight by big banks against higher capital standards came to the Congress on Thursday where Republicans held a hearing to air Wall Street concerns about regulation and its impact on profits.

Little more than two years since taxpayer bailouts were needed to firm up banks’ flimsy balance sheets, governments on both sides of the Atlantic are moving to force the banks to hold more capital and be better prepared for future crises.

Banks are resisting, however, and remarks made at a U.S. House of Representatives hearing showed they have support among many Republicans and some Democrats, with the 2007-2009 credit crisis growing fainter in the rear-view mirror.

Citing concerns about international competitiveness and the availability of credit in a fragile economy, JPMorgan Chase Chief Risk Officer Barry Zubrow told lawmakers: “The regulatory pendulum clearly has now begun to swing to a point that risks hobbling our financial system and our economic growth.”

Final decisions on new global bank capital standards are still months away. The standards are being developed through the Basel III process being coordinated by the Financial Stability Board, an international body based in Switzerland.

The United States is committed to full implementation of the Basel III accords, once they are finalized, both “at home and abroad,” U.S. Treasury Undersecretary for International Affairs Lael Brainard told the House Financial Services Committee.

She added that it was important to make sure that capital rules be internationally consistent.

Similarly, Federal Reserve Governor Daniel Tarullo said the Fed is seeking alignment of the Basel III capital rules with those imposed in the United States under last year’s Dodd-Frank financial oversight law.

At a minimum, under the Basel pact, banks will have to hold top-quality capital equal to 7 percent of their risk-bearing assets. Analysts expect the largest financial institutions to have to hold additional capital of about 3 percent.

Financial industry officials also complained at the hearing that new derivatives rules under Dodd-Frank will put U.S. firms at a disadvantage because other countries have yet to implement their own strict standards.

Regulators said they are also pushing for derivatives rules to be implemented internationally. Brainard said she visited London and Frankfurt in the last two weeks to make the case for an international agreement on margin standards for derivative trades that do not go through a clearinghouse.


John Walsh, a top U.S. banking regulator, expressed concerns at the hearing similar to those raised recently by large banks, which fear that higher capital requirements will crimp their lending and reduce their profits.

“Attempting to wring risk out of the banking system through the device of high capital requirements must be weighed against the costs … and potentially lower economic growth,” Walsh told the House hearing.

Walsh is acting U.S. Comptroller of the Currency. He said his agency supports requiring large banks to hold a “moderate” amount of additional capital.

A witness for the union movement urged regulators to resist calls to relax their stance.

“Deregulatory whipsawing of the kind recommended today by my fellow witnesses may temporarily increase some bank profits. But the price will be another cycle of economic crisis and job loss,” said Damon Silvers, associate general counsel of the AFL-CIO labor group.

The Dodd-Frank banking reforms approved last year required the Federal Reserve to come up with capital requirements for banks with more than $50 billion in assets and for other large financial firms deemed important to the smooth functioning of financial markets and tapped for stricter Fed supervision.

World regulators, as part of the Basel III process, are deciding how much of an added buffer to impose on the largest, most internationally active banks.

The Securities Industry and Financial Markets Association, an industry lobbying group, “disagrees with the discussion underway by the Financial Stability Board which would impose an additional capital charge for globally systemically important financial institutions,” said SIFMA President Tim Ryan in remarks prepared for the hearing.


“If we over-regulate and ignore the plans of the rest of the world, then I fear we will push capital, industry and jobs right out of our country,” Republican Representative Spencer Bachus, chairman of the committee, said at the hearing.

Earlier this month, Tarullo got the banks’ attention when he said the Fed might require the largest banks to hold between 8 percent to 14 percent in total capital. He backed away from that on Thursday.

He said the range was what different studies had produced, not necessarily what would be adopted.

Hypo Venture Capital Headlines: Bank capital fight spills into U.S. Congress

(Reuters) – The fight by big banks against higher capital standards came to the Congress on Thursday where Republicans held a hearing to air Wall Street concerns about regulation and its impact on profits.
Little more than two years since taxpayer bailouts were needed to firm up banks’ flimsy balance sheets, governments on both sides of the Atlantic are moving to force the banks to hold more capital and be better prepared for future crises.
Banks are resisting, however, and remarks made at a U.S. House of Representatives hearing showed they have support among many Republicans and some Democrats, with the 2007-2009 credit crisis growing fainter in the rear-view mirror.
Citing concerns about international competitiveness and the availability of credit in a fragile economy, JPMorgan Chase Chief Risk Officer Barry Zubrow told lawmakers: “The regulatory pendulum clearly has now begun to swing to a point that risks hobbling our financial system and our economic growth.”
Final decisions on new global bank capital standards are still months away. The standards are being developed through the Basel III process being coordinated by the Financial Stability Board, an international body based in Switzerland.
The United States is committed to full implementation of the Basel III accords, once they are finalized, both “at home and abroad,” U.S. Treasury Undersecretary for International Affairs Lael Brainard told the House Financial Services Committee.
She added that it was important to make sure that capital rules be internationally consistent.
Similarly, Federal Reserve Governor Daniel Tarullo said the Fed is seeking alignment of the Basel III capital rules with those imposed in the United States under last year’s Dodd-Frank financial oversight law.
At a minimum, under the Basel pact, banks will have to hold top-quality capital equal to 7 percent of their risk-bearing assets. Analysts expect the largest financial institutions to have to hold additional capital of about 3 percent.
Financial industry officials also complained at the hearing that new derivatives rules under Dodd-Frank will put U.S. firms at a disadvantage because other countries have yet to implement their own strict standards.
Regulators said they are also pushing for derivatives rules to be implemented internationally. Brainard said she visited London and Frankfurt in the last two weeks to make the case for an international agreement on margin standards for derivative trades that do not go through a clearinghouse.
John Walsh, a top U.S. banking regulator, expressed concerns at the hearing similar to those raised recently by large banks, which fear that higher capital requirements will crimp their lending and reduce their profits.
“Attempting to wring risk out of the banking system through the device of high capital requirements must be weighed against the costs … and potentially lower economic growth,” Walsh told the House hearing.
Walsh is acting U.S. Comptroller of the Currency. He said his agency supports requiring large banks to hold a “moderate” amount of additional capital.
A witness for the union movement urged regulators to resist calls to relax their stance.
“Deregulatory whipsawing of the kind recommended today by my fellow witnesses may temporarily increase some bank profits. But the price will be another cycle of economic crisis and job loss,” said Damon Silvers, associate general counsel of the AFL-CIO labor group.
The Dodd-Frank banking reforms approved last year required the Federal Reserve to come up with capital requirements for banks with more than $50 billion in assets and for other large financial firms deemed important to the smooth functioning of financial markets and tapped for stricter Fed supervision.
World regulators, as part of the Basel III process, are deciding how much of an added buffer to impose on the largest, most internationally active banks.
The Securities Industry and Financial Markets Association, an industry lobbying group, “disagrees with the discussion underway by the Financial Stability Board which would impose an additional capital charge for globally systemically important financial institutions,” said SIFMA President Tim Ryan in remarks prepared for the hearing.
“If we over-regulate and ignore the plans of the rest of the world, then I fear we will push capital, industry and jobs right out of our country,” Republican Representative Spencer Bachus, chairman of the committee, said at the hearing.
Earlier this month, Tarullo got the banks’ attention when he said the Fed might require the largest banks to hold between 8 percent to 14 percent in total capital. He backed away from that on Thursday.
He said the range was what different studies had produced, not necessarily what would be adopted.